I know his birthday was in November, but here are the photos. I found a frosting gun in a free box at a garage sale last summer and tried it out for the first time here....I need some practice, and maybe unlumpy frosting.
Carrot cake, of course because I thought he might actually eat it, but he did more playing with it than eating. His hair became frosted :)
He's getting the hang of this tearing paper thing.
Here is 1 and 75. A year ago when my water broke, November 16 I went out for a walk and ran into Marilyn (our dear next door neighbor). When I told her my water broke, she jokingly made a request for me to hold off a few days until November 18 so the baby would be born on her birthday. At the time I was thinking "oh, I hope it won't be that long!" Sure enough they share their birthday and I'm so glad. We miss Marilyn so much since we've moved.
Last winter we received a few barrels of scrap wood from a cabinet shop to burn in the woodstove. As we loaded the woodstove I kept thinking they would make great blocks for S in a year or so. I started stashing blocks in drawers as I found the perfect sized blocks for his set. Now he has an 'all natural' set of blocks, and the best part is....they were free....walnut, fir, birch, maple, alder, and some we haven't identified.