Monday, January 24, 2011

What started as shoveling...

We have had some great snowfall this winter. S is enjoying it more each time. This is a new one, and you can see the dog loves it just as much as the other two.

Friday, January 7, 2011

End and Beginning

Every week there is something new with our little guy but I can't always remember them when I sit down to update, so here's what I can tell you this week: S has really been into his books about colors, numbers and shapes. Most colors he calls green, most numbers are 3 or 10, and most shapes are "wheels", sometimes he'll throw a "sqaure" in there just to excite me. He can now reach the light switches, enough said about that. Things that look like a comb or a brush he uses as such, including the vacuum attachment, which he also tries to use in my hair, ouch! He continues to amuse us by trying on our hats and mittens, and finding new places to hide. We got a cabinet for the laundry room and it has the perfect size door next to 2 drawers, so I hear the door snap shut and then it appears that the drawers start opening and closing on their own. He has also recently watched the curious George movie. There is a scene where George is in the bathroom and unrolls all the toilet paper he can find. S has had a hard time resisting the fun of unrolling tp, but after he watched George one day he was about to grab it and I said "no,no naughty monkey!" and that has been the end of that. Now he looks at the toilet paper and shakes his finger saying "no, no meemew (monkey)" We both get a good laugh about it and there is no more rerolling :) Here's some more photos.

The day we went to Spokane, we found a park with a huge wagon slide, he loved to be in it, but didn't want to slide down. Understandably, it is a big slide, and when we got him down he went FAST!!
We also found this antique carousel, with original horses and music, also in the park, I think I had as much fun as he did.
My folks gave him some tools last summer so I made him a toolbox to keep them in, out of yard sticks and paint sticks.

This is the table J made me, isn't is lovely? oh, this is also recycled...I found the butcher block at the dump last summer. So he sanded everything down and it's beautiful.

This was my recycled gift for J...a key/message board made from the paintsticks from the houses this summer and a leftover piece of trim, and the hook ends are solder beads I collected when he was welding over a year ago.

Here he is just hanging out in the kitchen helping me with the dishes.