Just wanted to post some more recent pictures, these are from December, so I guess not that recent.
S always seems to have us in stitches, here he had gotten carried away with the green marker. One night I was up nursing H and I heard S shout in his sleep "Chile LAY DOWN!" and that was it. Hahaha.
We made this guy in December and I told him if it rained he would melt, so after we made him, he kept going to the window to check on him to see if he melted yet. Then it snowed more and he was concerned that he was getting buried, but he told me he had a new hat (made of snow). Almost all our snow is gone now. We also made a snow hay bale.
J actually rode the carousel with S this year, we all did, but H and I rode on the bench.
A day I was making cookies, S told me he liked sugar then asked to have some cream cheese please. I said "no, honey it's not cream cheese, it's shortening or lard" he then asked "have some lard please". No, I don't think so.