Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Oh-the fun we've had!

We found out he is NOT allergic to bees this summer....6 times.  Poor guy.  He's showing me "tough" after the first attack which yielded 3 stings.
 Dishsoap, a little water, a bowl and a straw provide hours of fun.
 Only once will spoil 'em.  You can hear it coming for an hour before it reaches our street, and for that hour I periodically hear a little boy repeat "Cream Truck!"  Really it was only once he partook of this treat, but he will never forget.
 Some of the raspberries we picked at our friends' house.
 He's got some business to do...notice the phones in each hand...and his typical strangle hold on "Moo".
 He just so happens to love the one chore I always put off because I despise it so.  Cleaning the shower...I think it helps that we got a new scrubber brush.
 Showing off his skills on the trike.