Tuesday, August 14, 2012

She's here!!!!

While we were waiting for our baby to arrive the guys built a storage shed. See who is working and who is supervising.
S went to a birthday party and received these wonderful hillbilly teeth. Entertainment at it's finest.
and...she finally arrived!! 9 lbs 21 inches long on July 27th @6:43pm.  we were so surprised to have a girl but couldn't be happier. forget punctuation i only have 1 hand to type. she is a good eater and she sleeps a few long stretches. it's nice to have a bigger baby! we are praising the LORD for the birth and health of our new little one, He has been so good to us!

with the big brother...he is such a good big brother
my beautiful baby girl! i'll try to update but life is pretty busy right now