Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Fishing, Friends and (cars with) Fire!

We've been spending a significant time at the lake.  No, it's not warm and sunny here and we don't go in our swimwear.  Rather, we wear our winter coats and hats and hope it doesn't rain on us.  But the fishing is great!  J has been reeling them in one after another, but that doesn't mean we can keep them all.  Protected, smotected, lots of fish in our lake we have to throw back because they are threatened, but our freezer and refrigerator are full, so I'm not complaining :)
In May, a college roommate of mine came from St. Louis with her fam for a week to check out Idaho.  Here they are (the random kid in the stroller belonged to neither of us, I guess he just wanted to be in the picture) at the Lost in the 50's parade, followed by my gang in the next photo.
 S was super excited about this parade, and talked about it for days afterward.  Anything with wheels is still his "thing".  Oh, by the way, I'm not that fat, but getting bigger :)
This is the result of having a "silt" pond (background), a boy and a dog. His eyelashes were caked.
Glad he still fits in the sink, because I was not going to let the trail of mud lead all the way upstairs to the tub, and if it were warm enough for him to wear shorts we would have been all about the hose outside, but I'm still wearing pants and sweatshirts, people.
Notice the gloves and winter's been unseasonably cold this May and June.  He and Chile play in the long grass to entertain themselves.  If he can remain quiet enough, he gets a good game of hide and seek going with his furry pal.
If he knew there was a fish this close to his face he would not be smiling, he's more the "I"ll take a stick and poke it" kind of fish handler.
 Overseeing the operation, as J guts, beheads and fillets the unfortunate fish.
 I love this picture.  The fish is gasping for his last few minutes, as S armed with his sword, focuses to poke, and Chile sneaks up for a sniff. (She is not fond of live fish).
At last, my birthday banner is finished! S loves it, what kid doesn't love a colorful banner hung in the house, as he's proudly  learning his letters.  Yay! No more wasteful party decorations, except maybe balloons, cuz they're fun.
Some other fun things he's been saying doing lately:
*He bit into an olive a night we were eating fish for dinner, and he spit it out and said "bone in there".  We assured him there were no bones, but discovered the pit had not been removed. LOL!
*Before we buzzed his hair he would shake his head and say "crazy hair", now he just rubs his head and says "Sambo haircut, Daddy-O haircut"
*As we've been driving around he will randomly say "junk all over the place" and sure enough, he's got an eye for junky looking places, found abundantly here in Idaho.
*We've had some resident turkeys eating our grass seed for the past several weeks, which was cool at first, but they are messy creatures, so S will spot them and let Chile out and say "Chile chase the turkeys" She obeys immediately.
*As we celebrated the resurrection this spring, he took special note to the kind of "owies" Jesus received, and a common dinner conversation includes the following  "Jesus died on cross with big owies, some little owies". followed of course with "Jesus came alive again" :)
*One day we were working outside and he was playing in the sandbox and we hear him saying to Chile "driving me nuts!"  LOL
*He's fond of the word "probably"  like when I ask him if he needs more water in his cup for dinner, or if he needs a napkin..."probably!" hahaha
*We are trying to teach him not to be double minded, but it seems he cannot make up his mind most of the time.  Yes, no, yes. this one, that one, this one.  Maybe it's 3 year olds.
*Be sure he doesn't catch you with your eyebrows crooked, he will be sure to call you grumpy! even if you are a stranger waiting in line behind us at the grocery store.  I'm learning not to be embarrassed, as I know this is just the beginning.
*Popular phrases of late include: "Mama, Daddy-o, Sambo, friends!", "Chile, ts your lucky day!"  This one he says in a tone of voice as if he were cursing her, to which we crack up saying "wow, Chile it's
your lucky day again!"
* He puts his hands on my belly and says "little baby's getting bigger bigger bigger!"

I wish I recorded more of life but this is what I can remember for now.  One more month and we will have pictures of a new baby with all the news that goes with that, Lord willing, please pray all goes well. Thanks!